quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2012

Pic Nic

On 9 and 10 August 2012, the School was a wonderful event
The 1st Pic Nic of the first series, with the English Teacher. The students participated, with games, many sweets, joy and fun. Wait for more news in other English classes.

 On 9 and 10 August 2012, the School was a wonderful event
The 1st Pic Nic of the first series, with the English Teacher. The students participated, with games, many sweets, joy and fun. Wait for more news in other English classes.

 I thank all mothers will, from 1 (s) year, for participating, collaborating with the goodies, which were delicious. Could we close the Activity (Food) - I like / I do not Like

English Teacher - SIDINEIA

 Agradeço á todas as mães, dos  1º (s) anos, pela  participação, colaborando com as   guloseimas, que  estavam uma delícia. Foi possível encerrarmos a Atividade (Alimentos) - Eu  gosto /  Eu não  Gosto

Professora  de Inglês -  SIDINEIA

(Clique aqui e veja as fotos)  

Deixe seu  recado   Veja aqui como

Um comentário:

  1. I noticed the movement of students from the time of entry. I hope the invitation to the next. Congratulations.

    Percebi a movimentação dos alunos desde a hora da entrada. Espero o convite para o próximo. Parabéns.
